01 Nov 2009 - Version 0.11.0 has been released!

By Aurélien

Here it is, a new release of Yokadi for your TODO listing pleasure! Version 0.11.0 brings you a much nicer t_list output:

  • The width of the title column now adjusts itself to fit your terminal width and the content to display.
  • Task keywords are now printed in the title column.
  • Using the new -k switch, you can group tasks by keywords instead of grouping them by project.

0.11.0 also brings you a few handy shortcuts:

  • Special character ‘_’ can be used to represent last task id in all task commands: handy to add a due date after adding a task: just type “t_due _ tomorrow” to set the last used task due date to tomorrow.
  • Custom aliases can be defined for all commands with a_add.

Other changes:

  • Bugs keywords are prefixed with a ‘_’ to distinguish them from user keywords.
  • YOKADI_DB environment variable can be defined to set default yokadi database path.
  • Switch from “GPL v3” to “GPL v3 or newer” license.

Get it now!