Using Yokadi as a bugtracker


Yokadi comes with a set of commands tailored to help you track bugs. These commands are bug_add and bug_edit. They are similar to t_add and t_edit except they will ask you a few questions to help you decide which bug to fix next.

Entering a bug

Enter a new bug like you would enter a new task:

bug_add fooplayer Fooplayer crashes when opening a .bar file

Before adding the task to the project “fooplayer”, bug_add will ask you the severity of the bug:

1: Documentation
2: Localization
3: Aesthetic issues
4: Balancing: Enables degenerate usage strategies that harm the experience
5: Minor usability: Impairs usability in secondary scenarios
6: Major usability: Impairs usability in key scenarios
7: Crash: Bug causes crash or data loss. Asserts in the Debug release
Severity: _

Enter 7 here, this is a crash. Now bug_add wants to know about the likelihood of the bug:

1: Will affect almost no one
2: Will only affect a few users
3: Will affect average number of users
4: Will affect most users
5: Will affect all users
Likelihood: _

.bar files are quite uncommon, enter 2 here. We reach the last question:

bug: _

This last question is optional: bug_add wants to know the id of this bug. This is where you can enter the Bugzilla/Trac/Mantis/… id of the bug. If you just noticed this bug and have not yet entered it in a centralized bug tracker, just press Enter. Yokadi will now add a task for your bug:

Added bug 'Fooplayer crashes when opening a .bar file' (id=12, urgency=40)

If you edit the task with t_edit 12 you will only be able to fix the task title. To be asked for severity, likelihood and bug id again, use bug_edit 12.

What’s next?

Based on the severity and likelihood, Yokadi computes the urgency of the bug. The formula used is:

           likelihood * severity * 100
urgency = -----------------------------
          max_likelihood * max_severity

This is based on the concept of “User Pain”, as described by Danc here:

Now, when you list your tasks with t_list, the most urgent tasks will be listed first, making it easy to fix the most important bugs first.

Behind the scenes

Likelihood, severity and bug are stored as Yokadi keywords (Yokadi keywords can be associated with an integer value).

The bug urgency is computed from likelihood and severity, then stored in the task urgency field. Yes, this means there is duplication and you may get likelihood/severity and urgency out of sync if you manually adjust urgency with t_set_urgency. In practice, I found it was not a problem.


Here are a few tricks I came up with while using Yokadi to do bug tracking: